Monday, 29 August 2016

visit to star-dome

yesterday I went to class H2 and H1 had a blast.In my opinion it was very fun because we got to learn more about gravity and space and how space's a fact the moon has a type of gravitational pull to earth to make all type of tides on earth.At star-dome we were in like a type of class room for 15 minutes learning about space and gravity and the earth and the moon and the the solar system.And when the time past we had a  choise to make you can i there have free time to take in all the history in the star-dome place or the other one is to do a quiz.but I chose to have the free time and take in all the history.for 15 minutes.then we went in to the planetarium and watch how the stars lead to something in the sky.and some of the stars lead to some planets.then watch a video clip of the what we humans call Galaxy and how some of the planet explode.last of all my favirte part was watching the video clip on the gallaxy.

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